Can I retire by 40 with $580k in investments and a $180k salary?

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  • #112974 Reply

      31 years old. About 580k in combined stocks/Mutual funds in 401k and brokerage. Salary is $180k. Is there anyway I can stop working by 40?

      I aim to retire by 40, but I’m unsure if this goal is realistic given my financial situation.

      What factors should I consider to determine if early retirement is feasible? How much more do I need to save, and what kind of lifestyle adjustments might be necessary?

      I’d love to hear insights or experiences from anyone who has pursued or achieved early retirement under similar circumstances.

      #112975 Reply

        U should get to 1m by then. Move to Thailand and live on 40k a year. Otherwise, probably not.

        #112976 Reply

          What are your annual expenses?
          What is your target lifestyle, and can it be achieved elsewhere? For some, they could move to Cambodia, where the basic cost of living for a family of 4 is <$300/month…but that might be too “basic” for most of us!

          Assuming you put invest 1/3 of your quite nice salary ($5000/month), and that you make an average 7% annual return, in 9 years you should expect to have $1.8M.

          Pulling out 4% per year to live on would be an annual income of $72k.

          So, if you can find a place you’d like to live for that amount (and note it is higher than the U.S.

          median household income, but lower than the amount needed to afford a typical U.S. home), then yes you can do it.

          #112977 Reply

            Depends entirely on your expenses. Since you don’t mention them, no one can answer with any certainty.

            #112978 Reply

              Need to know your annual spending as well as how much you add to the current 580 each year

              #112979 Reply

                Yes, there is I wish I knew what I know now would I
                Have retired myself a long time ago.

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