Was gonna put $500 into a brokerage account fund like VOO and $500 into my Roth in VTI?

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  • #82115 Reply

      Good diversification and choice?

      #82116 Reply

        If you want your tax loss harvest your taxable account it is wise to use different ETFs for your IRA so you can avoid unintended wash sale rule violations.

        I keep it even simpler and only use mutual funds in my IRA as the tax drag capital gain distribution issues don’t exist in an IRA and save the ETFs for taxable account for possible harvesting.

        #82117 Reply

          Those funds aren’t diverse from one another, but they are reasonable fund choices.
          Remember with ETFs you’ll likely have to go in and manually buy after each transfer. One of the downsides of ETFs in my opinion.

          #82118 Reply

            You want the lowest tax ones in your brokerage account & opposite for Roth, as a rule of thumb. For my Roth I put higher tax items such as small cap funds and REITs. And as others have said, those 2 funds are not really diverse from one another.

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