Curious to know why online banks give better interest in savings/ checking accounts and local banks don’t!

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  • #80521 Reply

      Do you have information?

      #80522 Reply

        Just checked one branch of our bank pays 115,500
        in property taxes a year yikes.

        #80523 Reply

          no brick and mortar overhead expenses?

          #80524 Reply

            Actually, our savings account at PNC has bumped up to Ally levels in the past couple of months.

            #80525 Reply

              Because they don’t have to. Online banks have to compete on interest rates because there’s really nothing else (except maybe customer service). The banking industry is so regulated there really is nothing else to set them apart.

              A local bank will always have local people with their passbook savings accounts to whom online banking is just out of the question.

              #80526 Reply

                Just keep in mind that sometimes when banks pay more for deposits, it could be for a reason, they NEED them! A more established bank may not need to pay high interest rates because they are balanced. Just food for thought.

                #80527 Reply

                  I did some digging into this last week – what I found was that:

                  1: Banks can give more interest when they have more income coming in from loan interest. So the banks that lend higher amounts and the most quantities at higher interest rates – can also “give back” more in interest to their savings and investment accounts.

                  2: As mentioned above – they have some less overhead expenses because they can operate without as many operational costs as a smaller local bank. Yes, the big banks might have headquarters, locations and physical services… but the ratio of expenses to customers served is much greater than that of a smaller bank.

                  It’s a bummer though because I would much prefer my HYSA emergency fund to be kept at a local credit union.

                  #80528 Reply

                    I just opened my So Fi account last weekend! I have a debit card and they let me set up a transfer link between my regular banks so easy access if I need the funds.

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