I’ve let the chlorine evaporate from our pool’s water in order to use this water for our gardens / my plants

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  • #86027 Reply

      Dear frugal community,

      I’ve let the chlorine evaporate from our pool’s water in order to use this water for our gardens / my plants. Now this water has turned, there are many squiggly swimming worms in that water and unfortunately there is still a lot of water left. What do I do now?

      Drain the pool onto the lawn, keep using the water as is to water plants, or throw chlorine into the water to kill the worms and afterwards use that water for plants? Or something entirely else?

      Thank you very much for sharing your ideas!

      #86028 Reply

        The wigglies are mosquito larva. I use mosquito dunks it water. Origanic and won’t harm plants.

        #86029 Reply

          If you want to go on using the water, throw some mosquito dunks in there.

          #86030 Reply

            The “squiggly swimming worms” are most likely mosquito larvae.

            #86031 Reply

              The worms are probably mosquito larvae.

              They will die when you pour out the water, as long as there are no pockets of water for them to live in.

              #86032 Reply
              Pj Conner

                Pouring your water on the plants and letting the soil dry will kill. The squiggly Worms, there are actually mosquito larvae.

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