Should I sell my individual stocks at a loss or have a brokerage manage them to mitigate risk?

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  • #95794 Reply

      33 y/o. Goal is to achieve financial independence (not exactly retire) at 45 with $2m through minimal lifestyle. Currently making 125k annually. I have a total of 120k on my 401k and 60k are on Robinhood. Total of 180k.

      Prior to finding out about VOO, I have individual stocks that are at a loss (big loss) and I don’t know what to do with them. My question is should I sell my stocks at a loss? Should I have schwab manage these investments to mitigate my risks. Anyone have experience with this situation?

      #95795 Reply

        You need to educate yourself otherwise you’re just throwing cash in the garbage.

        It doesn’t matter what you’ve gained or lost previously on your holdings. If you wouldn’t buy them today you should sell them. As someone else mentioned, you are in a good position for TLH.

        Your listed goal is to somehow accumulate over 2.8 mm in 12 years which averages 235k annually. A 125k salary isn’t going to come close to getting you there. You will have to either adjust; your goal, your time-line or your income.

        #95796 Reply

          You’ve lost the money. Got it. Sell them off strategically at the same time you sell something you made money on.. no taxes on your winner that way. It’s not as good as winning. But, it’s better than a stick in the eye

          #95797 Reply

            I’d sell and harvest the loss, re-invest in something that makes more sense.

            #95798 Reply

              Retired guy here.

              If you can TLH (Tax Loss Harvest) at some point, that may work for your situation.

              From here forward I would only buy a S&P 500 or a Total Market Index Fund. Just buy and forget you have it.

              Don’t throw away money by hiring an advisor. They will eat up a third of your portfolio over the course of your lifetime of investing. Fees compound just like growth.

              Intentionality is a powerful thing.

              Proposed: How would someone protect their taxable account (i.e. individual account) from civil lawsuits, creditors, etc.?

              #95799 Reply

                I have a small portion with an Edward jones and then my own Charles Schwab and running a comparison to see who makes more money (taking in the fees) so far Edward jones is beating me.

                #95800 Reply

                  You need to invest in a business to reach this goal, no way you can invest in index funds and reach your goal in that timeframe unless you’re in high-risk small caps or mega cap tech.

                  #95801 Reply

                    To hit your goal by 45 you will need to double your income now so that you can put away your current salary, and double the market return with every investment decision you make. I love goals, but, it’s important to make them doable so you don’t get discouraged. Stick with a number that you can contribute annually, assume 10% growth and do that math.

                    #95802 Reply

                      What would Schwab do differently that can not be accomplished by investing in ETFs (Answer: Nothing lol). You can sell these off for tax loss harvesting. To achieve financial independence do consider adding more sources of income in whatever free time you get.

                      #95803 Reply

                        You can sell it, or hold it. You’ve learned your lesson. That’s the most important thing. Take your money out of RH, and use Schwab (since you mentioned that one out of the big three) as your brokerage account. Some people never learn about individual stocks, so consider yourself fortunate.

                        I don’t know how much you have and how much you lost, and it’s also a personal decision.

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