Which soft skills do you find most valuable in an employee as an employer?

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  • #80839 Reply

      Let’s talk soft skills! I’m getting ready to hire my first full time employee to help me maintain and expand my current book of business.

      Which soft skills do you find most valuable in an employee as an employer?

      #80840 Reply

        Honesty, a good work ethic, easy-going.

        #80841 Reply

          Ability to take constructive criticism (without taking it as a personal attack) and enthusiasm when it comes to course correction. Aka ‘giving a shit’/taking pride in their work. When I hired my first assistant I figured out this is a quality that’s very hard to assess in interviews, but is invaluable to that employee meeting my needs as a professional.

          #80842 Reply

            1) Communication in 2 Way street.
            2) Self Initiator.
            3) A Good problem solver.
            4) Adding Value to co-workers, teams etc.

            #80843 Reply

              Communication is at the top of the list.
              Then I’d say self awareness, problem solving and adaptability.

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