Does anyone know how to remove algae from a yard when you have a dog regular using it?

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  • #80445 Reply

      SOMEONE TOLD ME: Hypochlorite acid but keep pets for 24hrs when hosed of.

      #80446 Reply

        White vinegar leave over night then rinse if you don’t have a pressure washer. It’s what I do, natural cleaner and doesn’t harm anything.

        I have chickens, rabbits, dogs and wild birds and do it all the time as have concrete walls because it’s not harmful.

        #80447 Reply

          Clean every day with bleach.

          #80448 Reply

            Chlorine. Make a very very concentrated solution around 40% chlorine to 60% water and then douse wherever needed. Leave it to sit until water has evaporated and then douse with fresh water before scrubbing. As long as you rinse off as much as you can pup will be fine.

            #80449 Reply

              Kennel cleaner, it’s a concentrated pet safe disinfectant. Be careful using bleach and similar chemicals as these can be harmful to your dog.

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