Life Insurance question: Should I be shopping around for rates? If you used Zander who did you end up with? Do they do medical exam?

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  • #82495 Reply

      Life Insurance question..

      I’m 41, got quoted for 700k term life insurance and it appears bc I have asthma, I would have a $108 monthly premium if I sign up with New World Life (through my Farmers agent).

      I went online to Zander and it looks like I may be able to get a cheaper monthly rate with a diff company.

      Should I be shopping around for rates? If you used Zander who did you end up with? Do they do medical exam?

      Does anyone have multiple term insurance policies? I am considering one for my husband/kids that live with me and another one for my daughter that does not live with me.

      #82497 Reply

        We used a third party agent that shopped around to find the best deal for us. At the time we were smokers as well. They pointed us to a company that was specific to good rates for tobacco users (mass mutual). Overall 108 seems like a good rate for 700k, but it doesn’t hurt to shop around.

        #82498 Reply

          We recently signed up through Zander. Husband is 45 no issues, no medical exam pays $81 per month for 500k. I’m 44, still in underwriting due to BP issue, quoted $89, no medical exam.

          #82499 Reply

            I’m almost 33, I got term life insurance a few years ago through Zander. I have a policy through Omaha. I have asthma too and during my pregnancy I had pre-eclampsia, was temporarily on blood pressure meds but only force 6 weeks after I gave birth. I pay $36 ish a month but it’s for a 400k policy. I will need to call them to readjust since I’m making more money now.

            #82500 Reply

              Definitely shop around. But be aware that medical conditions will increase your rates. My husband is an epileptic – and only by grace did we get him a policy through his former employer – I pay $4350 a year for $300k. Seems ridiculous but right now I’m barely getting us back on our feet after his accident and I wouldn’t be able to make ends meet without something extra right now.

              I have two policies – one for $300k and another for $500k – and I pay almost $700 a year, I’m 43 with no issues, other than one deemed me a higher risk because I’m a FT caregiver to two disabled family members.

              #82501 Reply

                I did Zander and am with Prudential have had it for 9 years now (30yr term at age 25) pay $18/ month for 250k policy I want to get another policy with more coverage, I did a medical exam back then but now some carriers use your doctors visits as medical exam.

                #82502 Reply

                  We went through Zander to find our policies. Both my hubby and I ended up with policies through LG America. No medical exams needed – just some records requested for my thyroid condition. Our policies aren’t as high payouts and are term policies so we pay MUCH less but also got them when we were like 30-32.

                  We don’t have policies on our kids through Zander. I’ve always been of the mind that life insurance is to replace income and my kids don’t have an income. I have $10,000 policies on my kids through work which would allow us to pay for cremation and take some time to grieve as a family if anything happened to them.

                  #82503 Reply

                    Dow your husband happen to be a member of Knights of Columbus? If so, check them out.

                    My husband and I just got policies through them (and we turn 40 this year). Albeit, we are fortunate to have no medical issues, but we both received larger policies than $700k for lower rates than that.

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