My lease is up in about 18 months!

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  • #80247 Reply

      By then I should be completely debt free and have at least 6 months of expenses saved. Should I buy out my lease which would be around 25,000 a Ford edge or should I look into financing like a Toyota because it will last longer then the ford more likely.

      #80248 Reply

        My 2007 Toyota Highlander recently went over 380,000 miles.

        #80249 Reply

          FORD = Fix Or Repair Daily.

          #80250 Reply

            Toyota insurance will be cheaper and likely better financing from any bank. Fords are FAR less reliable than Toyota.

            #80251 Reply

              Depends on interest rates. I bought my lease as I didn’t owe much and I was under miles.. and new cars were triple the cost. The only thing is that they base some interest rates on how old your car is, so it’s expensive with way.

              #80252 Reply

                My sister has a Ford Edge and she keeps the maintenance up to date and takes care of it. It’s a 2014 and has 200,000 miles on it and is just now showing signs of needing to be replaced. I also have a Ford Fiesta 150,000 miles and it is still crushing it.

                I say that to say I think anything can be garbage if you don’t take care of it. Go with the car that you like since you can afford either one. That way when you get in it you won’t have that desire to drive to a dealership one day and make a less than great impulse decision. Just my thoughts

                #80253 Reply

                  We have a driveway full of Fords always have. We have very limited issues beyond normal maintenance. I do agree though the longevity you will get out of a Toyot or Honda far surpasses Ford. We’ve never went the Honda or Toyota route because they don’t offer a truck or SUV big enough.

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