Stainless draining boards โ€“ How does everyone get them properly clean?

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  • #80653 Reply

      SOMEONE ADVISED ME: Rub over with scrunched up kitchen foil and then baby oil.

      #80654 Reply

        To get mine clean I use a limescale removal spray, leave for 15 mins then give the sink a good scrub, then dry after. Then after each use dry the sink.

        #80655 Reply

          Spray with viakal, leave for a few mins, wipe off. Buff it until dry then apply baby oil. When using viakal make sure you rinse it all off properly as it will eat away at the draining board.

          #80656 Reply

            Cif , bartenders friend or Vikal.

            #80657 Reply

              I used bicarbonate soda gave a scrub wash off then buff up white vinegar too.

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