What are some good ideas for Mother’s Day? don’t have a lot of money now

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  • #81481 Reply

      .. and would normally take mum for a day out and meal struggling for what to do now any ideas please x

      #81482 Reply
      Di Shupperd

        I always took my mom to pick out a flat of flowers then id plant them for her what she always wanted . my daughter does the same for me .and I love it.

        #81483 Reply

          I really think just spending time together is the best gift any mom can get. When my mom was still alive we did everything together. We were best friends. & I know that is the most important thing for me also. Just having time with my children & grandchildren.

          #81484 Reply

            Get a blank notebook or journal and write her a book of memories you have of her and you together throughout life. List all the things you appreciate about her, and write about gratitude and love.

            #81485 Reply

              Fix her a nice lunch and invite her over. Give her some flowers and spend the afternoon with her. Most parent just want their kid’s time and not much else.

              #81486 Reply

                Have everyone write her letters and read them to her! I also saw an idea that I loved where they turned their house into a “fancy” restaurant and everyone played a role… they all dressed the part (kids dressed as waiters, a song performer, etc.) the parents were the chefs and hosted a super fancy meal. It was adorable. You could have everyone write a nice letter and put them in an album, and the “entertainment” for the dinner is everyone reading their letter.

                #81487 Reply

                  I used to go to my parent’s house and clean the garage, the kitchen or their cars for holidays. Like seriously scrub that place all day. They loved those gifts.

                  I’d show up with an energy drink in my work clothes and hair in a bun. I brought a bucket of cleaning supplies/paper towels. I’d get into the corners, clean the windows, everything you wouldn’t normally do.

                  We’d order a pizza or have a can of soup for dinner. Something cheap that didn’t take any effort. I would save a soda for the drive home because it wore me out.

                  It was a good gift.

                  #81488 Reply

                    As a mom I can say that when my daughter comes to visit me and just spends a few hours talking to me or maybe playing a board game with me, it is much better than a gift that would have cost her money.

                    #81489 Reply

                      My mom lives 2 plane hours away since 10 years. Each year I buy tulips or roses at Aldi for 1,99, stage them nicely in a vase, stick a Post-it with a nice note to it and send her a picture. She loves it and shares it on Facebook to show it off to her friends and is super proud.

                      I keep the flowers and enjoy them.

                      #81490 Reply

                        Maybe a Hand made Self care Gift Basket with Self care items, face masks, lotion, hand sanitizer, body wash, a fragrance, a book she would like, or a DVD. Or snacks to nibble on while watching her DVD. Or a basket of COVID-19 Protective items. New Masks, hand sanitizer, gloves, or wipes. Something small to put in her car to have back up.

                        #81491 Reply

                          Spending time with your mom. Maybe take subs over for dinner. She doesn’t need gifts just time. Pack food if you can not buy it or make it at her house. Pick her up and get a coffee and a drive outside she may need to get outside.

                          #81492 Reply

                            Depends a bit on your moms age and situation- as my mom got older, and as dementia set in, we still had lovely Mother’s Day celebrations! I would bring her some flowers, help her choose a nice outfit and jewelry, take her for a drive until she became wheelchair bound, do a little shopping as long as she was able, bring lunch in or take her out, again until that was no longer possible. We talked, looked at pictures and drank a glass of wine! Guess what I’m saying is that it doesn’t have to be a “ big money” day to be special and for your mom to enjoy- do what you can afford, do it with love and just let her know how much you love and appreciate her! Lots of good ideas ladies have listed here- all brilliant!

                            #81493 Reply
                            L.C. Wong

                              Call her in advance of the special ‘no cooking day’ for her n your time .. You bring the food.. She can choose indoor or outdoor activities.. Indoor you help her with chores, clean out, declutter on her terms.. OR go out for picnic, walk in the park or d movies.

                              #81494 Reply

                                Make her a wonderful brunch. All that matters is spending time with them and letting them know how you love them and appreciate everything that they have done for you.

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