Has anyone had experience with Vanguard?

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  • #80296 Reply

      Hoping for some kind words of advice. My husband and I are retired, we have investments mostly with Vanguard. He was looking at the “emergency” funds we have (probably more than we should) in our savings and how little interest they receive from our bank and USAA. He is considering moving a large amount to Marcus Online Savings Account due to the increased interest we would receive.

      Has anyone had experience with them?

      Words of advice?

      I tend to want to just move to Vanguard but worry if we need funds quickly it wouldn’t be there.

      #80297 Reply

        We moved most of our EF to Vanguard’s money market VMFXX, currently paying 4.54%. So easy since you already are with Vanguard.

        #80298 Reply

          Marcus is great and I can usually transfer back within 2 days if I need the money from savings.

          #80299 Reply

            I’ve never had any problems with my Marcus account.

            #80300 Reply

              I split our emergency fund in half. I keep half in savings readily available and the other half in money market fund at Vanguard that I can transfer to checking in two business days if need be.

              #80301 Reply

                I currently have hysa with Marcus. They are just fine and I have no issues or complaints.

                #80302 Reply

                  Vanguard has never taken more than two business days to transfer money from federal money market fund to my checking account. I’ve had HYSA transfers that took longer.

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