How can I plan an affordable wedding after 26 years? Open to all frugal tips and tricks

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  • #95978 Reply

      My daughter just got engaged. I haven’t planned a wedding in 26 years. Any frugal tips or tricks to know to make the wedding more affordable? We are just starting to plan so open to all ideas and Thanks for any help!

      #95979 Reply

        Purchase a small wedding cake then sheet cakes to serve guests.

        #95980 Reply

          I highly recommend a small ceremony with only the most important people followed by a party that meets their personality. If I had it to do over again I would probably elope. The pomp and circumstance isn’t worth the price tag or headaches.

          #95981 Reply

            We made meatballs ahead of time and froze, cooked chicken for chicken salad ahead of time, made our own bouquets & boutonnières of silk flowers , made other things ourselves too. Ordered some fresh sandwiches from grocery store. Men can wear jeans or pants with white shirts and jackets if wanted.

            We had a party of friends and wedding party to make flowers, meatballs, rice bags(we used dried lavender and rosemary mixed).

            Read on: Cherishing Simple Joys: A Meaningful 6th Wedding Anniversary Celebration

            #95982 Reply

              Use tall floating candles on the tables instead of flowers. My daughter also repurposed the bridesmaid bouquets into table flowers. My friend’s daughter’s wedding didn’t have any real flowers. They made the bouquets from artificial flowers, and they looked so real! Have your daughter consider getting married on a Friday or Sunday.

              Venues are cheaper on these days!

              #95983 Reply

                Sam’s club has excellent prices on ready, prepared foods.

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