Is there anything anyone uses on their phone that tracks this kind of stuff and both spouses can access it?

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  • #89795 Reply

      Looking for some recommendations from married couples on a solution for a problem i have (per say).

      Me and hubby are fairly young 26 and 27, married 5 years. Growing financially and growing a family too. Essentially its really hard to keep track of the dates bills come out of our accounts or just when they are due. In the last year he’s promoted and ive opened a business so there’s ALOT going on. Usually I don’t mind being the main financial “handler” and reminding hubby. But im due in 4 weeks and exhausted lol i need a better system here. Is there anything anyone uses on their phone that tracks this kind of stuff and both spouses can access it? Is there an app out there someone loves? A calendar system? What works for yall? I’m open to ideas 💡

      I tried the whole excel spreadsheet thing and loved it for tracking spending. But i need something we BOTH can visually see preferably from our phones and simplistic.

      #89796 Reply

        I put alerts in my phone and invite others. It then shows up on both calendars and you can even add alerts days before and another on ON the date its due.

        Auto pay, and then reminders.

        My recommendations.

        #89797 Reply

          I set all my bills to autopay on a 2% cash back credit card.

          Then I just pay off the credit card each pay day. Everyone’s happy.

          #89798 Reply

            I have no clue when my due dates are. Everything is on auto pay and I know how much comes out over the month. If you’re spreading them out to make sure you have enough money when the bill comes due, I think you need additional emergency savings.

            If you have enough savings to cover a couple months bills, it won’t matter to you if all the bills come out on the same day or different ones.

            #89799 Reply

              Rocket Money is great for this. As soon as you link your bank info it analyzes your bills. It knows when what comes out and for how much. It even gives you a heads up when bills are due.

              It also tracks your spending for you.

              #89800 Reply

                Autopay everything and keep at least 2-3 months worth of expenses in checking so you never have to worry about over drafts and then each month it replenishes so balance should basically stay the same, with allocation to savings and investments already coming out automatically as well.

                #89801 Reply

                  Autopay. We both use one credit card and have access to the account on our app for all daily spending and pay off once a month. Requires you to be disciplined and pay off monthly, but love points.

                  We use a family label in our iPhone calendar app. Alexa app is good to share for reminders.

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