Should I open a traditional IRA or invest in a brokerage account after maxing out my 401k and being ineligible for Roth IRA due to income limits?

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  • #95845 Reply

      Question for the group about retirement account buckets. I’m in the process of learning and maybe you can help me see what I’m overlooking. I currently max out my 401k pre-tax. I still have substantial monthly funds leftover after living costs are paid. My company doesn’t offer an HSA and I’m over the income limits for a Roth IRA. If I were to open a traditional IRA, it wouldn’t be tax deductible since I already have the 401k and I’d be over the income limits anyway. Is there any reason to still open the traditional IRA in addition to the 401k, or is it better to just put the remaining money into my VTSAX funds via my brokerage? Thanks so much in advance!!

      #95846 Reply

        Do backdoor Roth. Open up your own HSA at Fidelity. Then do Brokerage account.

        #95847 Reply

          Can you do post-tax 401k contributions? If so, can you do an in-plan conversion or an in-service withdrawal (mega back door Roth)?

          #95848 Reply

            We do a backdoor Roth IRA (non-deductible traditional, then convert to roth), then we contribute extras to our brokerage account.

            #95849 Reply

              Looks like your financial account order of operations OOO stopped too short. Back door Roth IRA and brokerage account should be up next.

              #95850 Reply

                Even if you can, I think you are putting enough away in retirement accounts. Time to beef up your brokerage account. You can withdraw from it at any time and, provided you wait a year and a day, you can do so at the more favorable capital gains tax rates.

                #95851 Reply

                  Backdoor Roth IRA then taxable brokerage account.

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