Has anybody has either successes or horror stories with getting a will written up online?

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  • #93899 Reply

      It’s something I really need to do, but don’t know where to start. For reference, I have a wife and two kids, and I think it should be a pretty boiler plate will, no weird rules or haunted castles to give away.

      #93900 Reply

        It will be very easy to do. And you’ll have no idea if you screwed it up until you are dead and it’s too late to fix.

        #93901 Reply

          Just spend the couple thousand dollars for a lawyer, and get it done correctly. There were questions our lawyer brought up during the process that I doubt an online quick will would address.

          You might be better off creating a revocable trust.

          A lawyer can help you make that decision.

          #93902 Reply

            Just Google estate attorney and your city. Or ask around to your friends. Our estate attorney helped us out a lot . There really is a benefit to talking it all through with an expert.

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