How much do you typically set aside for medical costs with your HDHP and HSA?

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  • #96056 Reply

      So I am going to starting in June my health insurance is getting renewed at my job and I decided this year that I would be a HDHP and have an HSA due to the disparity of premium costs (taking into account cost health wise with co pays and such) between the HDHP plan and the PPO plan. I know that you should try to keep your HSA as untouched as possible in order to maximize the benefit and keeping funds invested. My question is how much do you guys set aside to cover for medical costs? Do you ever use a portion of your HSA.

      #96057 Reply

        I do not use my HSA to pay for anything. I treat it as a long term investment account which I will use once retired. Right now, I pay for all medical expenses out of pocket and keep my receipts.

        #96058 Reply

          I use mine for my deductible or co-pays as needed. To me, that’s what it’s for. If you have cash outside of the HSA to pay for those things, one could argue that keeping the HSA growing tax-free for post retirement use is a good idea.

          #96059 Reply

            My HSA can only sit in a crappy savings account earning 0.2%, so yes, I use it now for medical expenses.

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