CBD oil – Does anyone have a brands that they have tried that are lower cost but still quality?

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  • #89555 Reply

      Hi frugal friends! My dad has really bad arthritis and lives in a lot of pain. He has found that CBD oil really helps, but the brands he has tried are very expensive. Does anyone have a brands that they have tried that are lower cost but still quality?


      #89556 Reply

        Get a grounding sheet for his bed and start taking turmeric. The grounding sheet costs a little but the relief from pain is very real. And turmeric isn’t expensive.

        It will take down the inflammation from arthritis.

        #89557 Reply

          Lazarus Naturals and if he happens to be a veteran they give a discount. It’s not cheap but it’s full spectrum and good quality.

          #89558 Reply

            You can have quality or cheap go to the closest dispensary some place that also sells thc if possible.

            They will give you the type your dad needs and it won’t be watered down.

            #89559 Reply

              if you live in a state that has an actual medical marijuana dispensary, the prices may be cheaper than the general over the counter products you can buy.

              #89560 Reply

                Vitality Extracts is a website w essential oils that help w pain. I use frankincense. Rub a little on and pain is gone for hours. They have sales all the time.

                #89561 Reply

                  Marinol is a synthethic cannonoid available by prescription. It helps with pain. Ask your dads doctor about it. Maybe it would help.

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