First time home owners! Want are some things we should be doing to maintain our detached house?

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  • #89733 Reply

      I’m talking about changing the furnace filter every 3 months ect, stuff that no one tells you to do often. Trying to avoid any major expensive repairs in the house  if we can prevent it

      Any tips would be great.

      #89734 Reply

        Your furnace filter should be changed monthly not every 3 months no matter what brand it is.

        #89735 Reply

          Print off an annual maintenance calendar like this one.

          We keep one on the fridge and dedicate a a Sunday every other weekend for deep cleaning and maintaining the house.


          #89736 Reply

            Look into the house warranty program. I don’t think it was available when we bought our home 20 years ago.

            #89737 Reply

              Gutter cleaning, pumping septic, smoke alarm batteries, dryer vent cleaning, painting any exposed wood.

              #89738 Reply

                Some people suggest draining water heater once a year to clear out sediment build up.

                #89739 Reply

                  Keep gutters clean! Remember to test your smoke/Carbon Monoxide alarm. If there’s a dryer in there, make sure to clean the vents.

                  Keep an up to date fire extinguisher handy. If you have a septic system, get your tank looked at every 3-5 years. Best of luck!

                  #89740 Reply

                    All the above plus Check your crawl space(if you have one instead of basement)for leaks. If you have septic use rid-x once a month.

                    Do not flush paper towels down toilet! Neighbor of mine did $600 later they unplugged a drain pipe.

                    Change filters for a/c-heating units monthly. Once a year inspect your roof. I take good binoculars to look for failing shingles. Clean under refrigerators and freezers once a month to keep coils clean.

                    Found out the hard way on refrigerators that have become more computerized you can’t put things on top of fridge.

                    Kills the motherboard.

                    #89741 Reply

                      How ever many bathrooms you have, get a good plunger for each bathroom. That way your guests never have to ask you for one.

                      #89742 Reply

                        Clean out the gutters at least a couple times a year.

                        Inspect the foundation for cracks/holes and resolve them.

                        Inspect the attic at least a couple times a year-just stick your head up there and take a look around for any signs of rodents, termites, roof leaks, other problems.

                        #89743 Reply

                          Never put onion husks, corn husks, egg shells, or banana peels down your garbage disposal. If fact I have metal strainers in both of my sink drains that catch all food particles.

                          I don’t let anything go down my drains, they get dumped into the trash, and never, ever put grease down a drain. Put grease in an old coffee can or tin can or old piece of foil and throw it away.

                          All of these things can and will plug up any sewer line which will back up into your house. Awful and expensive to clean up and fix.

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