I finally downloaded the Upside app, but I need some help

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  • #84322 Reply

      I entered my card number in the app, and I claimed an offer and pumped my gas. Do I need to scan my receipt to the app? If so, how do I do that?

      I feel so dumb!

      #84323 Reply

        No, you don’t have to scan in your receipt unless it asks you to. (Sometimes when you claim your offer and go there to pump gas it won’t register your location then it asks you to scan the receipt). It does take the app a few days to credit your account, though. When you get enough money back, then you can transfer it over to your bank.

        #84324 Reply

          Also, if you share the upside app with people you know and they use it, you also get a small amount of $$ each time they claim an offer.

          Related: I heard there’s an app called Scholly that lists all available scholarships. Has anyone used it? Is it worth paying for the app?

          #84325 Reply

            Check it out after the 2 to 3 days to see if it actually took. I did it several times had my card on it and did pictures of the receipt and ended up finding out no credit was done on several. Not much of a fan anymore.

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