We’re in BS3, but keep getting waylaid due to medical issues and the fact that our income isn’t the best

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  • #81138 Reply

      Hey, everyone! I could use some words of encouragement.. We’re working on increasing my husband’s income, but I’m at a loss as to what I can do personally to help us get ahead and keep that long-term emergency fund intact. I’d love to hear from others in a similar position as us. We homeschool our three kids – a ten-year-old, a seven-year-old, and an incredibly active and mischievous four-year-old. I want to work on a side hustle, but the kids, homeschool, cooking, cleaning, and trying to stay healthy are all I can seem to manage right now. I was homeschooled, so I knew it would be hard and I also knew it would be worth it, but I honestly don’t know how my mom managed with seven kids!

      I’ve got two side hustles, one of which has brought in significant money in the past (I’m a fantasy author with over 85 titles published), but I’ve only been able to write a few books in the last four years, and books don’t sell unless you’re writing new ones and marketing the ones you have. I literally don’t have any energy to do even that much right now, plus I’m still recovering from back-to-back surgeries at the end of last year. The other side hustle is a gaming YouTube channel that has brought in around 1200/month in the past. I’m resurrecting that, since it requires way less time than writing… but I’m only back up to $40/month. I long for the mental clarity needed to be a fiction author again, but with everything else on my plate, I just don’t see how that’s possible for the time being.

      Any other parents of young kids and maybe even some who homeschool who can offer encouragement? Or possibly people with chronic health problems? (I’ve had 15 surgeries in our 12 years of marriage. 😞) Just needing a lifeline tossed my way. Thank you so much.

      #81139 Reply

        We’re about to get back into homeschooling, so I definitely support you continuing that if you and your husband think that’s the best choice for your family. Also, I would continue to get into the YouTube channel and build it back up as your main side hustle for now.

        As far as fiction writing goes, that just might have to be one of those things that you sacrifice for awhile when kiddos are young. Once they’re all older and more independent, you can dabble in that again or even make that a center focus.

        #81140 Reply

          Sounds seriously stressful. How about getting the kids into Publix school?
          Seems like that would help a ton. Otherwise, pet/child/house sit, donate plasma, deliver pizza, wait tables, landscape, whatever else. Sell anything you possibly can and then just budget for medical.

          #81141 Reply

            I just have to say I’ve had 4 surgeries in the last 12 months and I can’t imagine what you’re going through. Good luck to you!

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