Any tips or perspective that you can offer to help my confidence with my decision making would be greatly appreciated!

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  • #85041 Reply

      Hi guys, I could really use some advice.. so I’m a university student (enrolled in a four year degree) working two jobs this summer. One is a full time position with my university and the other one I work 3 night shifts at a restaurant.

      My sleep schedule and energy has been horrendous due to the night shifts and overall I feel just as much like a zombie – drained of all energy – through the summer as I do when I’m studying and nearly faced a burn out last year.

      I have an opportunity to become a yoga instructor with less hours but this would also mean sacrificing tips from the restaurant.

      On the other hand, it is only an hour or two commitment a few times a week that I would be able to maintain while I’m in school and give me a bit of extra money through the year while also surviving off my student loan (I lived solely off my loan last year, and credit cards during the last 3 weeks that I’ve finally paid off as well as buying things I sacrificed and cut out to get through at the time so I consider myself to have caught up by now, but still not ahead just yet).

      They are willing to give me additional classes to teach through the summer and reduce down to 3-5 yoga classes during the school year. They pay $20/ class which are 45 minutes long.

      I think I would be happier with instructing yoga (as I personally have loved and practiced it for years and consider it like a physical therapy) and am confident I can manage to continue teaching classes throughout the school year, using the classes almost as a study break, but am really hesitant to give up the opportunity to make tips for the next 7 weeks – although I KNOW for certain I can not continue to work there while I am school, which is the majority of the year.

      Any tips or perspective that you can offer to help my confidence with my decision making would be greatly appreciated! For reference, my biweekly pay at the restaurant are anywheres from $400 to $600 depending on how many closing shifts I get and tips can range from $20-$100 depending on the business (it often has slow slumps, but when it’s busy it feels worth it).

      My university job is over $1000 biweekly and will last until the very end of august.

      My top priority is getting through school, and I am trying to decipher between doing what could be best for me and my mental health to maximize my performance in school (I currently have a 4.0 GPA) or maximizing potential savings to live on before school.

      I can live very, very frugally during the school year but I still need to be able to afford the necessities.

      My student loan will cover most, but I had about $3000 of savings that really helped me last year.

      I also got $2500 more in student loans this year though… any thoughts? And if you made it this far thank you for reading and sharing your time with me!

      #85042 Reply

        I worked the evening shift at a lovely inn in a resort town. Many of my coworkers were university students. They’d work the quiet evenings and study. The managers loved hiring students because they were articulate and well read.

        The students loved it because they’d get paid to study. Just presenting another idea.

        #85043 Reply

          Honey, I think you know what you want to do. Money will come. Sacrificing your mental health for it seems counterproductive.

          #85044 Reply

            Uni job =2k/mo which would be 4k’ish when school starts (minus whatever expenses you have this summer)

            Serving=1k/mo so about two grand until school starts (but can’t continue at that point)

            Versus yoga= (I’m guessing that classes are once a week) 400$/mo which is 800 before school starts (and then 60-100$ each week throughout the school year).

            So, until school starts, your options are 6k keeping the serving job versus a little less than 5k with the yoga gig. I guess the question is: how important is that extra grand for you to have set aside once school starts OR would it be better (financially and mentally) to start the school year with less cash in hand but a bit more peace of mind from a less stressful job and knowing you’ll have steady work through the school year that you find fulfilling?

            Don’t miss: I really need to learn frugal living

            #85045 Reply

              Prioritize your mental health. Also look for residential facilities with asleep overnights available near you and your school.

              If you end up having some type of breakdown, it’s gonna cost a lot more

              #85046 Reply

                Mental health as well as avoiding burn out seem to be your priority.

                Therefore, I would suggest the Yoga classes. It will be good for you and bring in some money. Good luck. Sounds like you’ve got you head on straight!

                #85047 Reply

                  Don’t push.

                  yourself so hard. You will get sick and all that tip money you make at the restaurant will go to paying your doctor bills. I have been there.

                  TAKE THE YOGA JOB! That job will open up so many doors for you it will make your head spin. I taught fitness classes (aerobics, tap dance, and water exercise) for 41 years along with working in the university’s financial aid office and earning a bachelor’s degree.

                  I met influential people in those classes who ended up hiring me after I graduated.

                  I have since retired from my career job and this past March as a fitness instructor, but I have had an absolutely wonderful career in information technology and also an avocation working in the fitness world for the past 41 years!

                  Explore these too: I’m all for frugal but we only get one shot at this

                  #85048 Reply

                    You are very obviously both hardworking and financially intelligent, if you give the restaurant away you will also be heathy, both physically and mentally. I’m sure you will manage financially, and be in good condition to maximise your potential at uni, so I’d say follow your instincts, and be kind to yourself!

                    #85049 Reply

                      Your health is the #1 thing u should be worried about. I have learned over the years that money is not the be all that it is chocked up to be. Do not get me wrong, having money is a necessity but it should not be everything.

                      Although u did not ask I would have blood tests done for thyroid. Also take B12 vitamins.

                      #85050 Reply

                        More power to you! You sound like a very resilient and determined person. I would advise you to strongly consider taking the yoga instructor position. Maintaining your mental health is super important and it sounds like this would simultaneously be an opportunity to practice something that is important to you.

                        Sounds like you can make it work being frugal and creative financially and if you do wrack up some debt you are good at paying it off.

                        Don’t overwork yourself! I know that often goes along with studies but I think it’s also important to be able to absorb what you are learning in school and for that you need to keep a balance.

                        Also, maybe you can get some gigs as a private instructor and make extra cash that way?

                        #85051 Reply

                          To maintain good health and grades, would be better to have enough of the sleeping time. Sports in adequate amounts always help to stay stronger and healthier. I would probably take more classes to teach and yoga classes as well.

                          What’s your major, may I ask?

                          Don’t forget to take a look at: My new frugal thought is how can I reuse, repurpose more

                          #85052 Reply

                            The serving job may give you more money right now but you won’t be able to continue it all year while you can do the yoga job throughout the year and you will be happier with it.

                            Money is good to have but your mental and physical health is more important.

                            #85053 Reply

                              What were your main goals for the summer jobs?

                              What I took away as main points:

                              • Near burnout recently (so a full time and part time job throughout summer might lead to the same feelings once school starts again)
                              • Worries about not having cash saved for basic necessities when school starts again (and that you currently paid off debt but seem to have no buffer as of right now…but will get a bit more in loans this year)
                              • Self-care would be a bonus side effect of the yoga gig plus the fact you could continue it through the school year. It would be a pay cut from serving, but would also be less hours and might have you feeling more relaxed after a shift instead of just worn out
                              #85054 Reply

                                Been there a long time ago, but my kid is now in college so this is my advice. If you are a great student thru the semester, keep the university’s job cause connections will be useful and people skills will help as your courses get tougher.

                                The yoga job is flexible knowing that you will not endured working shifts when sometimes tips are not enough.

                                And most importantly, get a good group of friends that will help between yourselves to get to your goals. Good luck and take care.

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