Transforming Discarded Valentine’s Flowers into Stunning Arrangements: A Budget-Friendly Floral Makeover

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  • #90935 Reply

      I work at a shop in the UK, my manager decided the valentines flowers were past their best and to throw them out. There were three bouquets altogether (£24 worth) and I took them home, went through each one and filled two vases, one pictured below. There are some ways to make any flowers more cost effective:

      1. Take off all the leaves (and even buds) that won’t be shown out of the vase. Less water and plant food will be wasted keeping parts of the plant alive that don’t need to be kept alive. More will be focused on the part of the plant that is on display.
      2. Always trim the ends of the stem in a diagonal cut.
      3. If they haven’t given you any plant feed, fear not, sprinkle some sugar into the water, give it a stir, hey presto!
      4. If you want them to last longer place them out of direct sunlight, they still need light, but it will slow down the blooming process so they will last longer.


      #90936 Reply

        Your flowers look great! Thanks for sharing how to keep them alive!

        #90937 Reply

          My grocery store has small bouquets for $3.98. They last about two weeks or more. It’s a little thing that makes me happy.

          #90938 Reply

            Our daughter received beautiful flowers from her boyfriend for Valentine’s Day. I decided to take out some of the wilting ones for n Friday Oh boy did that water smell! Our whole kitchen stunk. I ran hot water down the drain for a couple minutes. I washed the vase and rinsed the stems I put the flowers back in said vase. Changed the water again on Sunday. Still wreaked but as bad.

            What do I do to prevent this?

            #90939 Reply

              Beautiful save! Thanks.

              #90940 Reply

                My mom would add an aspirin to the water to help last longer.

                #90941 Reply

                  And if you can, put them in the refrigerator at night.

                  #90942 Reply

                    When I was in college I started out with a dozen carnations, then I would buy a single stem everyday that I could. Always had a fresh arraignment that would slowly change over time.

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