What would you reccomend in terms of starting with a 401 that isn’t riddled with fees?

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  • #85968 Reply

      A friend early 30’s single parent to 8 year old twins. Works as a waitress and has paid for everything for the children without any support. No retirement fund started. No benefits though job. Small savings for emergencies. Car paid for. Rents a house with a roommate to cut costs. HCOL area. What would you reccomend in terms of starting with a 401that isn’t riddled with fees?


      #85970 Reply

        She needs to open up a Roth IRA and put money into some low cost ETFs like VTI or VOO.

        I book that explains investing and the best way to do it would be “A Simple Path to Weath” by JL Collins.

        Explore these too: Was gonna put $500 into a brokerage account fund like VOO and $500 into my Roth in VTI?

        #85971 Reply

          A Fidelity or Vanguard IRA. Just an S&P index fund to start.

          #85972 Reply

            She could consider seeking a serving or banquet /events job with a national chain hotel.

            They tend to offer medical and retirement benefits.

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