We are just beginning to fund our emergency fund, but a gremlin is in our midst

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  • #80809 Reply

      This is a great community. I lurk here a lot and gain encouragement and inspiration from what everyone shares here. I’m looking for prayers and encouragement for today.

      We are a family of 7. We have just finished baby step 2 and coincidentally paid our house off just as a matter of the timing of the payments.

      We are just beginning to fund our emergency fund, but a gremlin is in our midst. Our dishwaser, icemaker, and water softener quit this week.

      I can deal without the dishwasher and icemaker, but the water softener is a must as our water has so much iron that it is literally orange when it comes out of the tap without the softener. It destroys our appliances. Well, we bought the parts that we thought we needed, but that did not fix it.

      That aside, our air conditioner died last night. We have to get a new unit, we live in Florida. The new unit is $8,000. It was 90 degrees in our house yesterday evening, so it is a must.

      We do not have that in cash. My husband is a small business owner, so he regularly has customers that owe him money. I’m praying that these customers come through for us.

      I am asking for prayers that what we are owed and what we have will be multiplied into what we need.

      Thank you so much for your like mindedness and support. I know that most of you will understand.

      #80811 Reply

        First of all, pat yourselves on the back for your progress! Great job! The devil will try to dissuade you but you have a God of provision! He will help you through this. Lean on Him and your faith and not in your own understanding. It’s just amazing to see Him work in ways that seemed impossible! Keep us updated please.

        #80812 Reply

          Our AC went out last summer and we were able to make do for 8-9 weeks while awaiting install with 2 window units and a couple of fans. Maybe you could at least buy some time?

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