Need ideas for a home-cooked, romantic Valentine’s Day dinner?

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  • #90707 Reply

      My husband and I have decided to forgo our annual Valentine’s Day dinner and recreate something at home. Does anyone have ideas on a menu and items to help create the ambiance of a fancy restaurant? Nothing too over th stop, but just enough.

      Thank you in advance!

      #90708 Reply

        I told my husband I didn’t want to go out this year, the long wait on top of the overpriced meals. He cooks much better anyway. (I do 90% of the cooking normally) So he is making me crab cakes and lobster Mac and cheese.

        #90709 Reply

          Crab cakes is one of my favorites and my husband has fixed them several times for special occasions. He loves cheesecake and I have fixed that for him— basically do your favorites and watch a movie together!

          #90710 Reply

            Spaghetti with Italian sausage. Garlic bread, salad, wine. some kind of dessert. candles. Is what we are doing.

            #90711 Reply

              A nice steak, mushroom gravy, baked potato and a veggie you both like. For dessert? Fresh fruit, cheesecake, etc. A nice bottle of wine, champagne.

              #90712 Reply

                Been married for over 33 years. Have not gone out on Valentine’s Day in over 25 years. Hubby is such a good cook, why bother. Whether a good steak on the BBQ, boiled lobster, baked stuffed lobster with shrimp and scallops. Shrimp cocktail and a salad. Fresh Oysters on the half shell, cheesecake for dessert. When dating and young, sure going out was great.

                As one matures, staying home and with a gourmet meal and the one you love is so much better. I get it, going out is great, we used to go dancing and out for dinner. But in Covid world, so many better options. I’m lucky, my hubby knows how to cook in more than one way. Haha.

                You can also order take out and live it up at home on a budget. Honestly, one of the worst nights to GO OUT FOR DINNER is Valentine’s Days night, Food and Service usually sucks. Stay home and enjoy a different night out later when it will be more enjoyable with better service.

                You can check also: Fancy Valentine’s Day on a Budget: Thrift Store Finds and Homemade Delights!

                #90713 Reply

                  Steak for hubby scallops for me roast small color potatoes I. Season different spices mixed roasted vegetables broccoli zucchini baby carrots.

                  #90714 Reply

                    Three courses. Starter (maybe a nice cheese plate with some olives), a main course and a dessert. A nice bottle of wine or fancy beverage.

                    Why not cook together? Make it an experience.

                    #90715 Reply

                      We always do that, because the restaurants are so crowded. Keep it simple so no one feels overworked. My husband usually grills a steak while I bake potatoes and make a salad.

                      A special dessert from the bakery at the grocery store is a treat.

                      Dim the lights and have fun!

                      Also, check out: Valentine’s Day Treat: Frugal Win with Sam’s Club Pizza Deal!

                      #90716 Reply

                        Tablecloth, placemats, flowers, set out the table to make the occasion special. I have used an envelope coloured in for a placemat and some hedgerow in a glass in the past.

                        I don’t have food suggestions because there are some good ones already here.

                        #90717 Reply

                          Steak, baked potato, salad, bread and dessert. Candlelight and soft music. Dress as if you were going out. Enjoy!

                          #90718 Reply

                            Garlic seared scallops, loaded baked potato and asparagus. Great wine and a chocolate kava cake with raspberry sauce.

                            #90719 Reply

                              Nice steak or salmon dinner w Bernaise sauce (knorr mix available at grocery store) baked potatoes and asparagus or a nice salad. Bottle of cabernet (sparkling grape juice as an alternative).

                              Candles, flowers and best dishes on the table, with dimmer switch dimmed. For desert, check out Citi bonfires. For the red velvet smores kit 7f you have outdoor space.

                              Nice mood music and use your imagination for the rest.

                              Explore these too: Valentine’s Day at Home: Affordable Fresh Crab Feast Delight

                              #90720 Reply
                              Cheryl D

                                Depends on your likes, but a nice salad and shrimp Alfredo with noodles and asparagus and crusty bread, your favorite wine and chocolate mousse for dessert with good coffee. Serve on your beast China and table cover with small bouquet of flowers.

                                Play quite music.

                                #90721 Reply

                                  I read someone say their husband made her a heart shaped meatloaf for Valentines Day and it sounded like a sweet memory.

                                  #90722 Reply

                                    Give him a coupon book..customized to things he would like…one night dedicated to his sports or fav TV and snacks…get out of the dog house for free… Favorite meal and a special night ..well you can customize the rest to his liking…and a lil bit if chocolate ♥️♥️♥️ wrapping yourself up in a bow will go a long way too.

                                    I am single but all of you attached ladies can use my idea.

                                    Don’t miss: Valentine’s Day Dinner Splurge Turns into a Frugal Reality Check

                                    #90723 Reply

                                      We are staying in because she has no immune system due to medication she takes.

                                      I’m grilling porkchops. Pairing them with salad, mashed potatoes, fresh green beans. I’ll figure out something chocolate she likes.

                                      #90724 Reply

                                        Candlelight, white tablecloth, cloth napkins, wine goblets to begin. Have an easy appetizer prepared, maybe shrimp cocktail or citrus fruit salad. Steak, baked potato, and salad is pretty easy. Nice dessert. Voila!

                                        #90725 Reply

                                          Candles (and fire if you have one)
                                          Move all furniture out the way
                                          Wine (or what is your preference)
                                          And a pretty plate of nibbles to graze on.
                                          Turn off the outside world and concentrate on each other.
                                          Not too much food to ruin the mood

                                          #90726 Reply

                                            Tablecloth with cloth napkins. (Find at a thrift store or cut up an old sheet.) Set the table with your best dishes. (Even if they are your every day dishes). Use stemmed glasses, even if you are only drinking water. (Thrift store). Add a candle or two. Soft music.

                                            Put a few photos of your happiest times on the table or write a silly poem in a homemade card.

                                            Dress up in something pretty and sexy. Whatever you serve will be romantic.

                                            You could serve Fruity Pebbles and milk or frozen pizza if you don’t like to cook. Or just serve strawberries dipped in chocolate and whipped cream.

                                            If the ambience is right the food won’t matter.

                                            Have you seen: An early Valentine’s dinner for us. Ribeye dinner and it came out to under $10 per plate!

                                            #90727 Reply

                                              Choc covered strawberries.. easy and inexpensive. Most men love a steak and mashed potatoes.

                                              #90728 Reply

                                                My husband handed me a printed out menu of foods he knows I love. Had a place for me to check what I want. He’s now going to cook dinner for me!!

                                                #90729 Reply

                                                  because you did not say what kind of food/place you both like….recreate your favorite restaurant….google a recipe and deco for your favorite.

                                                  #90730 Reply

                                                    Heart shaped cake with your favorite frosting embellished your way, your favorite dinner, wine, chocolate maybe and fresh flowers. You can pick them up from the grocery store, or grow some.

                                                    Give each other a card sentimental or funny, your choice.

                                                    #90731 Reply

                                                      We have a bazillion kids so we usually do this for anniversary and birthdays.

                                                      Steak, lobster (if it’s on sale), asparagus, and pasta or mashed potatoes. Then I always make the dessert from the first time I ever cooked for him, pineapple upside down cake!

                                                      Consider browsing: Budget-Friendly Valentine’s Day: Dining Out and Homemade Delights

                                                      #90732 Reply

                                                        ok this is cheesy but there’s a market( World Market) we get holiday pasta from. Vday is heart shaped pasta in pink and white. I build a menu around that. Make heart shaped rolls etc. Good luck!

                                                        Happy Valentine’s Day

                                                        #90733 Reply

                                                          Candles can make the simplest meal romantic.

                                                          A nice hot bath together. Cute pj

                                                          Most importantly let the love between you two shine in your eyes.

                                                          Married almost 40 yrs now . What keeps us happy be not just Valentine’s Day. Sometimes just on a wim.

                                                          He doesn’t think of these things cause he works way harder than I.

                                                          #90734 Reply

                                                            Ambience could be nice plates, wine or champagne in nice glasses (if you don’t drink then fizzy water with some fruit in it could feel fancy), a home cooked meal (something you can make together, like shrimp scampi or Cornish hens), and a tablecloth or nice place mats.

                                                            You could even go so far as preparing a picnic.

                                                            If it’s too cold to eat outside, make a living room picnic with pillows and blankets, soft lights, and maybe a fireplace (or simulated fireplace on the tv or computer monitor).

                                                            You might also be interested in: Frugal meals for Valentine’s Day go!

                                                            #90735 Reply

                                                              One anniversary I did Bacon-wrapped Stuffed Chicken breast, broccoli, and a cake. Waited for the kids to go to bed and set the table with candles and our nicer tablecloth. And a bottle of sparkling cider (my husband is 14.5 years sober).

                                                              #90736 Reply

                                                                Chocolate fondue is a Valentine’s Day tradition at my house and my kids love it. I just combine dark
                                                                Chocolate chips with heavy whipping cream and melt. Then we dip in giant marshmallows, graham crackers, and cut up fruit.

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